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Yuexiu Park

Yuexiu Park (越秀公园 Yuè-xiù-gōng-yuán) (Metro 2 Yue Xiu Park Station, exit B1). 06:00-18:00. The largest urban park in China and is a lush green area that flows over acres of hills and includes several lakes. It includes the Ming Dynasty Zhenhai Tower (镇海楼) zhèn-hǎi-lóu, now home to the Guangzhou Museum with relics on five floors dating back 5,000 years ago and an up-to-date miniature of modern Guangzhou. ¥10. 09:00 - 11:30, 13:00 - 17:00. Also check out the Stone Statue of the Five Rams (五羊石像), the symbol of Guangzhou