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If you are looking for a place where you can experience the ancient and mysterious culture of Taoism, you should visit Longhushan (Mount Longhu) in Jiangxi, China. This mountain is one of the birthplaces of Taoism and has many Taoist temples built on its slopes. You can see the stunning Danxia landforms, which are red sandstone cliffs and peaks that have been eroded by wind and water over millions of years. You can also admire the cliff tombs, where the Guyue people buried their dead in hanging coffins on the rock faces. You can learn about the history and legends of Taoism, which originated here more than 2,000 years ago. You can visit the Shangqing Temple and the Mansion of the Taoist Master, where Zhang Daoling, the founder of the Zhengyi Dao sect of Taoism, lived and practiced. You can also explore the other temples and palaces that were built by different dynasties and Taoist schools. Longhushan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Global Geopark, which means it has outstanding natural and cultural value. It is also a place of harmony and beauty, where you can feel the spirit of nature and Taoism.