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This country is one of Europe's best loved destinations for holidays and living: the culture, nightlife, beaches and history all give human beauty to a country that has so much natural beauty.


Submitted by mhabich on

These countries are great destinations for their rich and unique cultures, lively cities, beautiful countryside and friendly inhabitants.


Cyprus is an island in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, south of Turkey. It offers beautiful beaches and extensive historical and archaeological sites.


Greece is a country in southeastern Europe, on the southern tip of the Balkan peninsula. Ancient Greece was one of Europe's first urban civilizations, and the origin of much of the arts, language, philosophy, politics, and sports of western society. The cultural heritage and spectacular mountains and beaches draw tourists from far away.

Much of the country consists of peninsulas and islands in the Aegean, Ionian, and Mediterranean Seas.


The Principality of Monaco is a wealthy city-state on the Mediterranean Sea, bounded by the French Riviera. Though tiny, the country is packed with entertainment for those with money to burn: think yachts and casinos, plus the annual Formula 1 Grand Prix.


France is the world's most popular destination and one of the most geographically diverse countries of Europe. Attractions include Paris, picturesque Provence, the Riviera, Atlantic beaches, winter sports resorts of the Alps, castles, rural landscape, and its gastronomy (particularly wines and cheeses), history, culture and fashion.


Russia is by far the largest country in the world, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, spanning Eastern Europe and northern Asia. While geographically mostly in Asia, the bulk of Russia's population is concentrated in the European part and, culturally, Russia is unmistakably European. Much of the Asian part, however, has more in common with Kazakhstan, Mongolia or Northeast China than with Eastern Europe. It boasts a rich history and culture.